Rezūm - enlarged prostate Water Vapor Therapy
Maintain your masculine power!
- Do you have to use toilet too often at night?
- Do you notice that your urine stream is weak?
- When you have to go to the toilet, is your need to go increased, is it urgent to go?
- Do you have the feeling that you have not completely emptied your bladder and that your urine is stagnant in it?
- When you are in the toilet, do you find it difficult to start urinating?
- Are you facing strong side effects of prostate-shrinking medications?
- Do prostate medications badly effect your sexual performance?
All of these are symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) i.e. enlarged prostate, so we advise you to visit a urologist and talk to him or her about whether Rezūm Water Vapor Therapy would be appropriate for you.
Diagnostični center Bled is the only medical centre in Slovenia to implement a new, revolutionary method of shrinking the prostate in a minimally invasive way using steam – Rezūm, so you do not need any prostate shrinking medications or surgery to eliminate your issues.
Basic information about the examination
Locations where Rezūm - enlarged prostate Water Vapor Therapy is conducted:
- Bled | Pod skalo 4, 4260 Bled
A prostate is a male gland, which is small at birth and grows to a length of three to four centimetres during puberty due to the influence of sex hormones. In middle-aged men, the prostate can grow, leading to so-called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
BPH is an otherwise non-dangerous prostate enlargement that is characteristic in middle-aged and mature men, as the prostate enlarges due to changes in hormone levels in as many as half of men up to 60 years of age and in almost every man (90%) over the age of 85. In rare cases, an enlarged prostate is a sign of a more dangerous disease – prostate cancer. Therefore, it is extremely important to visit a urologist in case of prostate issues to check if the prostate enlargement is dangerous or non-dangerous and to exclude the possibility of more serious diseases.
Urologists advise patients on various methods of treatment, sometimes changes in the way liquids are consumed are sufficient, or changes in diet and lifestyle. However, when this is not sufficient, doctors also advise treatment with medications to be taken regularly and permanently by the patients. These medications do not suit some patients as they may have severe side effects, such as drop in blood pressure, dizziness, erectile dysfunction or cause heaviness in the stomach. Experience has shown that as many as 70% of patients stop taking medications due to side effects. If these medications do not help, the prostate may be shrunk by urologists with less invasive procedures, such as microwave therapy or implant insertion, in extreme cases surgery is performed where the prostate is shrunk using laser or surgery.
Diagnostični center Bled is the only medical centre in Slovenia to perform a new, revolutionary method of shrinking the prostate in a minimally invasive way using water steam – Rezūm.
Rezūm Therapy is a safe and effective method of treating the symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia using natural energy stored in just a few drops of water converted to steam. This is a short, outpatient therapy carried out by a specialist urologist in his clinic. The treatment is suitable for BHP patients with a prostate greater than 30 cm3. So far, more than 55,000 patients have been successfully treated with this treatment throughout the world.
- Patients stop taking shrinking prostate medications.
- Clinical studies show that Rezūm Therapy treats BHP symptoms safely and effectively, and does not only relieve them.
- Outpatient and minimally invasive therapy that does not require anaesthesia or implants.
- Erectile function is maintained.
- Most patients return to their normal activities within a few days and notice improvement in symptoms within two weeks, with maximum lasting effects visible within three months.[1]
- Active men over 50 years of age.
- Patients who have been confirmed by a doctor that their prostate is greater than 30 cm3.
- Patients with BPH who have not decided to shrink their prostate by taking medication or have stopped taking medication due to side effects.
- Patients not susceptible to other minimally invasive and operative methods.
Rezūm Therapy is not suitable for men who have an artificial urethral sphincter or penile prosthesis inserted.
You and your urologist identify the issues associated with an enlarged prostate at a preliminary urological examination. If the case is not a more serious disease, you discuss the treatment options with the aim of shrinking the prostate. Based on a clinical examination the urologist assesses whether you are a suitable candidate for this minimally invasive prostate shrinkage using Rezūm Water Vapor Therapy.
Rezūm Water Vapor Therapy is carried out at a separate time in the urological clinic. Before the procedure, you will discuss with the urologist what you can expect during the treatment and he will answer all your questions. We advise you to prepare and write down your questions in advance.
During Rezūm Water Vapor Therapy, the urologist directs 9-second treatment intervals into the target prostate tissue with a direct view into the urethra with a special instrument, thus shrinking the prostate. The number of treatment intervals depends on the size of your prostate. An enlarged prostate can compress the urethra, making urination very difficult. When the steam turns back into water, all the stored energy is released, causing the destruction of the target tissue cells. At the same time, the steam does not reach surrounding organs and remains trapped in the prostate.
After Rezūm Therapy, the body removes dead tissue cells with its own natural response, excess tissue is absorbed, the prostate shrinks and the urethra reopens allowing normal urine flow from the bladder. Most patients experience relief of symptoms within two weeks, and the maximum and sustained therapeutic effect is achieved within three months.
- Avoid caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate) and alcohol two to four weeks after treatment.
- Avoid activities that can irritate the prostate (e.g. sexual activity, cycling, etc.) for four weeks.
- After the treatment, dysuria may occur or pain when urinating, irritation, increased frequency of urination; these problems can last for 7 to 10 days. A warm bath or sitting on a hot water bottle can help you alleviate problems. You may also take mild painkillers.
- There may also be mild inflammation after the treatment, so some patients have a catheter inserted 72 hours after the therapy, or they can be taught of self-catheterisation.
- Blood may also appear in the urine or in the sperm for a few weeks.
Preliminary examination price: 277.00 €
The price of the preliminary examination includes an urological examination, transrectal ultrasound of the prostate, urethral cystoscopy with a rigid instrument, Uroflow and PSA.
Rezūm therapy price: 3,950.00 €
The price of the Rezūm therapy includes treatment conduction, treatment set, all consumables and post-procedure follow-up. The price of Rezūm therapy should be paid in full in advance, before the therapy.
Medical services are exempt from VAT payment under the Value Added Tax Act (ZDDV-1), therefore VAT is not included.
Mojca Zupančič
+386 (0)41 644 008
Sources and notes: [1] McVary KT, Gange SN, Gittleman MC et al. Minimally invasive prostate convective water vapor energy (WAVE) ablation: A multicenter, randomized, controlled study for treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia. J Urol. 2016 May;195(5):1529-38.

Who performs Rezūm therapy?
Rezūm therapy is performed by urologist Borut Gubina who made a specialisation from urology in 2008. He has been employed in the diagnostic centre Diagnostični center Bled since 2017, and prior to this he worked at the Urology Clinic at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana since 2004, where he was deeply engaged with prostate, kidney and bladder diseases. He carried out all diagnostic examinations of urological organs and operational procedures, particularly in the field of urological oncology. Additionally, he introduced the detection of pudendal nerve entrapment and functional urology. He was also a reference urologist for paraplegic persons. In his work, he pays a lot of attention to the detection and treatment of prostate cancer. In the future, he wishes to further educate in this area. He welcomed the new method of treating enlarged prostate with Rezūm steam treatment with interest and trained at the Boston Scientific training centre for the use of this method. He introduced the Rezūm method in Slovenia, making Diagnostični center Bled a reference centre for Rezūm.