Preventive evaluations

Health is the basic human value. It enables an individual to be active and independent, which is a constituent component of one’s well-being and quality of life.

Our mission is to treat the ill in a professional, confidential and friendly way, and prevent the healthy from getting sick. We wish to offer people the possibility to shift their attention from their ailments and diseases to the enjoyment of life. Preventive medical check-ups at Diagnostic Centre Bled make the way to regain your health shorter and more pleasant.

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  • Recommended for people over 40
  • Recommended for all those who have family history of certain diseases
  • Timely detection of diseases
  • Comprehensive treatment of the patient
  • All evaluations in one place
  • Expert evaluation
  • Emphasis on early diagnosis of cardiovascular disease and some cancers

Types of preventive health evaluations

For whom are the check-ups intended?

Preventive medical check-ups are intended for those who take care of their health.

Due to their stressful lifestyles, the executives and managers are even more exposed to risk factors for many diseases. This is why doctors recommend that the individuals in leadership roles have their first preventive examination before the age of 40.

Preventive medical check-ups are especially recommended for all those who have family history of certain diseases (where a close member of the family is already suffering from a certain disease). In such cases, a preventive medical examination is recommended before the age of forty.

Follow-ups are advised according to the preliminary findings. During a follow-up exam, the specialist doctor can decide, based on the findings, to omit some of the tests.

Why we recommend it?

Preventive medical check-ups are sets of recommended examinations carried out by specialist doctors. Their aim is to detect any possible disease in its initial stage. Since this phase is usually asymptomatic, we cannot detect the disease otherwise. Some diseases can develop over the course of ten years before the onset with the first obvious signs is apparent. When the symptoms appear, it is too late for prevention, and treatment is more complicated and less effective. Only through preventive health checks a disease may be detected early enough to prevent its development or cure it.

In implementing the preventive health programmes, the doctors focus primarily on the risk factors which can lead to cardiovascular disease and to some of the most common forms of cancer. The purpose of preventive health checks is precisely the detection of diseases which do not show obvious signs and can only be observed by diagnostic tests.

Clients about us

After a few preventive examinations in Slovenia, I finally found what I've always wanted. A thorough and comprehensive examination, I could say the actual 'human servicing'. Thank you for your kindness, professionalism and great attitude towards patients by all employees. I will be gladly and with confidence coming back to your Centre.

(A male patient, February 2002)

The honourable collective of Diagnostic Centre Bled! Yet no healthcare institution treated me not so kindly, and kept impressing me with their approach to patient all the way to the end of the exam. In every way, you gave your best, explained to me in detail the course of the examination, the causes of my health problems, and advised me in a caring way on the best course of further treatment. All the staff were exceptionally kind towards me. This is very rare elsewhere! I warmly thank you for this experience and wish you further success in your work!

(A female patient, July 2009)

Excellent work organization. It all takes place in stages, continuously updated, but still without the unnecessary haste and hysteria. Some examinations are not the most pleasant, but the friendly staff and the friendly attitude of the entire collective makes even the less pleasant checks easier to endure. I created my opinion based on the in-depth professional approach: "If there is a place and time where they succeed to diagnose a disease, then this is certainly Diagnostic Centre Bled."

(A male patient, September 2010)

During my stay at your Centre, I entrusted you with my greatest asset - my health. You have checked it, gave me the information and overview of my state, as well as the instructions to preserve, maintain and revitalize my health. I am sincerely grateful to you, because you have done this with a high degree of professionalism and warmth of human kindness. My sincere thanks to all of you. Yours faithfully!

(A male patient, November 2010)

Even on vacation people are not as nice as here. Thank you for your kindness and encouragement. Many places should follow your example. Stay the way you are, amiable, warm and humane!

(A female patient, July 2011)

Dear Sir or Madam!
Thank you very much for the professional examination and attitude towards patients. During a visit to such an establishment, one feels confident and hopeful about the Slovenian healthcare. Thank, I wish you a lot of success and commitment to your work in the future as well.

(A female patient, February 2013)

On behalf of the entire team of our company who underwent the preventive examinations in your Diagnostic Centre in Bled, we thank you for the exceptional expertise, willingness, commitment, kindness and a wonderful reception and treatment. Thank you and also all of your professional colleagues involved. In any case, your institution is worthy of the best recommendations.

(A female patient, April 2014)

Why us?


Our doctors are highly qualified experts. By continuing education at home and abroad, and by using the state-of-the-art medical equipment, they constantly keep track of the advancements in medicine and diagnostics. The transfer of knowledge and experience occurs systematically, on a daily basis, also through the exchange of opinions on more complex cases and regarding new discoveries. A large array of in-house medical specialists ensures a high level of professionalism and a wide scope of the offered services.

Comprehensive treatment of the examined patient

After a thorough initial discussion with a patient, the specialist performs several tests. This enables the doctor to find a clear diagnosis with a high degree of confidence and disproves a suspicion of serious disease. Comprehensive treatment, in addition to the extended blood tests, X-ray and ultrasound examinations, further comprises of an endoscopic examination. They allow us to thoroughly examine the cardiovascular system, digestive system, urinary tract, as well as the condition of the skeleton and bone density. Other tests are carried out as necessary, if the doctor considers them to be necessary during the in-depth interview with the patient.

Based on the analysis of the Slovenian market, we find that both packages of preventive examinations offer a greater number of tests and a more comprehensive treatment of each individual than elsewhere.

A comprehensive health check also includes gastroscopy and colonoscopy

We are the first in Slovenia to begin performing gastroscopy and colonoscopy in the context of preventive medical examinations. Even today we are one of the few who include these two endoscopic investigations in their comprehensive preventive examination. These examinations can detect hidden changes in the digestive organs, which otherwise cannot be detected. With the gastroscopy we determine the status of Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, and may be carcinogenic. The colonoscopy serves as a tool for identification of precancerous changes, since colorectal cancer is among the most dangerous and the most common forms of fatal cancers.

Kindness and concern for the patient

The Diagnostic Centre are the people, the employees, who work here. Our relationship with patients is grounded on personal approach, individual treatment, friendliness and helpfulness. We understand how difficult it is for a patient to undergo the examinations, so we always offer support, try to help and act with human warmth. The atmosphere in our Centre is very pleasant, positive and non-hospital-like. We all assume the responsibility for patient care – from administrators and nurses, to doctors.

All tests in one place

All tests are performed in one place, so patients do not need to visit several health institutions. Modern medical equipment allows us to obtain clear findings as quickly as possible. In Bled, we also have our own histological laboratory, which enables us to receive histological results in the shortest possible time.


At Diagnostični center Bled we have been performing preventive health evaluations since 1993. To date, we have conducted more than 7,000.

The graceful natural environment in bled and the friendly atmosphere of the ljubljana city centre

Diagnostic Centre Diagnostični center Bled is located in an idyllic setting in Bled, next to the park Zdraviliški park and at the promenade around the lake. In Bled, the patient is accommodated in an air-conditioned room with private bathroom, balcony, telephone, TV and Internet access. By prior arrangement, the patients may be accompanied by another family member. Our restaurant Labod provides excellent food.

The Ljubljana Unit is located in the very centre of the capital – in Villa Urbana, which is by public transport easily accessible to the elderly. The parking garage under the building provides convenient car parking site. At this location, we offer the latest standards for the implementation of medical procedures. In this way we ensure a pleasant stay for both, the patients and the staff.

Frequently asked questions


How do I schedule an appointment for an preventive evaluation?

For explanations and making an appointment for Preventive Health Evaluations (Comprehensive, Essential Plus H. E. and Preventive examination for Women), please contact:

Rada Jovanović: 
T: +386 (0)4 292 70 41

For explanations and making an appointment for Gastrological, Cardiological and Urological Check-up, please contact:

Mojca Zupančič

T: +386 (0)4 579 84 13, M: +386 (0)41 644 008

Please, confirm the scheduled appointment date and the order for the examination with the order form which will be sent to you. Send the order form by email or by ordinary mail to the address: Diagnostični center Bled, Pod skalo 4, 4260 Bled, Slovenia.

You can send your enquiry via the online form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Online form >>


Where and when are the preventive evaluations performed?

Preventive Health Evaluations are performed in Bled (Pod skalo 4, 4260 Bled) and in Ljubljana (Barvarska steza 4, 1000 Ljubljana).

The Comprehensive Health Evaluation lasts for 2 days; it is carried out in Bled (Pod skalo 4) on Monday and Tuesday and on Friday and Saturday. You will spend the night at our facilities. Your examinations will end on the second day at around 14:00. Upon your arrival, you will receive a detailed schedule of your examinations. If you skip the colonoscopy, other examinations may be performed within 1 day. The following examinations are not possible during the weekend: gynaecological examination, breast ultrasound, analgosedation and occupational medicine examination.

The Essential Plus Health Evaluation lasts 1 day or an afternoon; it is carried out in Ljubljana (Vila Urbana, Barvarska steza 4) on Thursdays. The examinations will be finished at around 19:00. Upon your arrival, you will receive a detailed schedule of your examinations.

The Preventive Examination for Women is carried out in Ljubljana (Vila Urbana, Barvarska steza 4) on Thursdays. Your examination will be finished at around 16:00. Upon your arrival, you will receive a detailed schedule of your examinations.

To feel relaxed during examinations make sure to wear comfortable clothes. Bring your latest medical records. The examinations must be performed on an empty stomach. For the examinations in Bled, bring you toiletries, pyjamas, tracksuit and sneakers.

Should you not be able to attend the appointed meeting, please make sure to provide us with this information as soon as possible. In case of cancellation within less than 14 days before your appointed meeting, a new appointment will be provided upon a pre-payment.

At the final interview, based on the analysis of all tests, the internal medicine specialist presents your medical condition and provides recommendations for further treatment. Any checks-ups can be performed either in Bled or Ljubljana. In case you need surgery, you are directed to the most appropriate healthcare institution.

Preventive examinations are conducted by doctors, specialists and top experts with several years of experience. Most of the doctors are regularly employed in Diagnostični center Bled, which is undoubtedly our great advantage.

Some of the health checks are implemented by other recognized top specialists who work in our outpatient clinics (gynaecologist, cardiologist, thyroidologist, orthopaedist). 

All medical examinations are performed by our specialist doctors, who devote enough time to each patient to talk about their health condition.

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