Patients of the inpatient unit
You are always welcome in diagnostic centre Diagnostični center Bled!
We will try our best to make your stay with us as comfortable as possible.
These pages are intended for all those who are going to be admitted to our Centre and will spend a few days with us. Here you will find all the necessary information which you will need before coming to the Centre, while staying in it, and before going back home.
We hope that, despite being medically examined, you will feel as comfortable at the Centre as possible!
Before the arrival
In this section you will find some basic instructions and suggestions for the time before you are admitted to the Centre. Perhaps you will find useful the suggestions about what to bring along and what to do with your valuables and the medications you are taking.
After you have made an appointment at our Centre, we will send you a written notice and any additional instructions. The written notice shall indicate the date and time of the admission. In the event that you have other unavoidable commitments on that day, please contact us as soon as possible by calling the telephone number that is written on the notice.
We suggest you to bring:
- pyjamas or nightgown,
- robe, slippers,
- toothpaste, soap and other toiletries,
- razors and shaving accessories,
- medications which you are taking,
- something to kill time – books, magazines, crossword puzzles,
- a small amount of money (during the stay at our inpatient unit, you must pay extra 10 €, even if you have a referral for examinations)
- contact number of your family or friends.
During your stay in the Centre you may continue to take all the medications which you take at home, if still necessary, as prescribed. If, prior to the arrival to our Centre, you were taking any medicines that had been either prescribed by a general practitioner, or which you had bought by yourself in a pharmacy, please bring them with you. Show them to the doctor who will see you after you are admitted to the Centre. It is very important to know exactly what medications you are taking, so we can determine the best treatment for you.
This applies to all inhalers, creams or drops which you may be using. Medications should be kept in original packaging, and they must have all the necessary notes from the pharmacy.
Patients with a stoma, please, bring everything you need with you.
Staying at the Centre
With us you are accommodated in rooms with higher standard, where your staying is more comfortable than in hospitals. Two patients are staying in one room. The room has its own bathroom and balcony and is pleasantly furnished.
In our Centre we follow certain internal rules. To ensure your stay is as pleasant as possible, it is best that you become familiar with them prior to your arrival.
On these pages you can find information about the admission to our Centre and your room accommodation. You can also learn when you will be visited by your attending doctor, where you will eat, how the room is equipped and when is your presence at the Centre mandatory. A few words area also written about the medical staff and their recognisability. Here you can also find useful information about the ban on smoking, alcohol consumption, and mobile phone use.
All patients pay €10 per day for accommodation at the Diagnostic Centre Bled, regardless of whether they were referred by a physician or are paying for their examination themselves.
Staying with us
On the day of admission, come to the reception of our Centre at the arranged hour. You will be received by medical staff. After the formalities (entering your data into computer), they will call a nurse from your department. She will escort you to your room and give you all the general information and the necessary instruction to prepare for the examination.
After you accommodate in your room, a doctor will visit you, and following the conversation with you and the review of medical documentation, the doctor will determine the course of necessary tests and examinations. Please, do not leave the room before the doctor visits.
Every day between 7:15 and 8:00 in the morning it is time for rounds, when the doctor comes to your room and explains further course of examination. Please, do not leave your room at this time.
Mandatory presence and leisure time
Please, do not leave the room while waiting for an individual examination. Afterwards you can spend your free time however you prefer, but you need to discuss your absence with medical staff and you need to return to your room by 22:00, when we lock the main door.
Leaving the Centre
If you intend to leave the Centre for a longer period of time, please inform nurses and the reception about it. In order to ensure the examinations are performed smoothly, we need to know where our patients are.
Nursing staff
After your admission to the unit, you will learn which nurse will be responsible for coordinating your care during your stay. Other nurses will also assist in your care. At the beginning of each shift, expect the nurse who will take care of you, to come to you and present herself, so that you always know whom to call in case of any questions or problems.
Cleaning ladies
In the morning, cleaners will come into your room. They will clean the room and bring new towels and toiletries.
Identifying the staff
Nursing staff wears uniforms of different colours, depending on their rank:
- Doctors wear white uniforms.
- Pharmacists and the radiology technicians wear white uniforms with green embroidery.
- Nurses, technicians and lab staff wear white uniforms with blue embroidery.
- Administrative staff wear white uniforms with yellow embroidery.
- Cleaning staff wear green uniforms.
The members of our medical staff wear tags, stating their name and function.
Smoking is prohibited in the Centre and at its entrance. If you wish to obtain information on how to quit smoking, please feel free to contact a member of our medical staff.
During your stay in the Centre it is not allowed to drink alcohol. In combination with your medications, the alcohol can have an extremely negative effect, and it may also increase the risk of complications during your examination and testing. In the event that you find it difficult to refrain from the alcohol, consult our medical staff.
Meals will be served at our restaurant Labod, which is located 150 m from Diagnostični center Bled. For its more precise location, check the map which is available in every room, or ask medical staff for direction.
Daily meals at the Restaurant Labod are served according to the following schedule:
- breakfast from 8:30 to 11:00,
- lunch between 12:00 and 15:30,
- dinner between 18:00 and 19:30.
After the admission or post examination, a nurse will give you food coupons, depending on what kind of examination you have already had in our Centre and which exams still have to be performed. Take the food coupons to the restaurant and give them to the waiter who will be serving you. In case that you are preparing for an examination which requires you to fast the day before, you will get pure beef soup in the restaurant; but if your examination is already completed, you will be served a light full meal. Those who find it more difficult to move will be delivered the food to their room.
If you have specific dietary requirements, please contact the nurse at the department.
Visitors and carers are welcome in our Centre, as they will make your stay more comfortable and friendly. We only ask you to consider and respect other patients who might wish to rest or sleep during the visiting hours.
Children are also welcome to visit, but they should be supervised at all times, both inside and outside the department. If your relatives have questions regarding your medical situation, they should contact the nurse who is in charge of the department. The relatives and other visitors may learn the patient’s information only with the permission of the patient.
Mobile phones
The mobile phone signals may interfere with the operation of medical equipment, so please do not carry them with you when you are being examined. In case that you still bring them to the clinic, please turn them off. Ringing cell phones also disrupt the rounds in the morning, so make sure that your phone is turned off during that time as well.
Locking the front door
Performing the examinations
Consenting to a medical examination
During your stay at the Centre, the medical personnel will, at your request, further clarify the risks, benefits and possible alternatives to any proposed type of examination. The doctors at our Centre are highly qualified specialists, so there are relatively few cases when complications occur. However, every procedure carries a certain level of risk, and some of the expected types of complications may ensue.
Before performing any procedure, we must obtain your written authorization, so you will be asked to sign a consent form. If you are unsure about any aspect of the proposed examination, please feel free to talk to our attending doctor who will be happy to explain any unclear notion.
Some exams do not require a formal written consent, but at your request, the staff will explain all risks, benefits and alternatives before you undertake the procedure.
Information about your medical condition
Upon arrival to the Centre, you will be asked about certain information relating mainly to your medical condition and risk factors, which will enable a faster and more accurate diagnosis.
Why do we need this information?
This information would enable us to find as accurate diagnosis as possible, as well as provide the necessary treatment. The information is kept on file, together with the details about performed exams and tests, in case you visit again.
Who can access the information?
By law, we are obliged to treat the information about you and your medical condition as confidential. The access to this information is granted to our doctors and other health professionals who are bound by the code to keep it confidential. You are also entitled to access your medical records, although this might not be possible on the very day when you request it.
In more difficult cases, the doctor who performed your examination consults with other doctors, who meet on a daily basis. These meetings are attended by all doctors who are specialized in one of our core activities. In this way, you will get comprehensive instructions about the further treatment procedure.
Useful information
Postal services
You will find quite a few mailboxes in Bled, as well as a post office in the city centre. Letters and postcards with a stamp can be also left at the front desk (if you bring them before 14:00, we will take them to the post office on the same day).
Stamps can be purchased at newsstands (the nearest is at the bus station), at the post office at Ljubljanska cesta 10, or at some other locations.
Banking services
In case you need cash or wish to utilize any of the banking services, there are several ATMs in Bled as well at least two branch offices of different banks.
Gorenjska Banka with its office is located at Cesta svobode 15 (opening hours: 8:30 to 12:30 and 13:30 to 16:30, phone: 04 208 46 76), and the SKB Bank at Ljubljanska cesta 4 (opening hours: 8:30 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 17:00, phone: 04 575 17 14).
Near the Centre (100 m) at the bus station, there are a marketplace where you can buy fruit and vegetables, as well as a smaller grocery store.
Phone, TV and Internet access
In each room at our Centre you have a TV set your disposal and a phone, which can be used for internal calls (calls within our Centre). You can make an internal call by turning the chosen four-digit number.
Important internal numbers:
- Reception 8101,
- Department clinic 8298 and 8398,
- Restaurant Labod 8453.
Wi-Fi access is available in all rooms of Diagnostic Centre Bled. In case you wish to access the Internet, ask the staff at the front desk, who will tell you the username and password.
Personal laundry service
The Centre does not have a personal laundry washing facility. We kindly ask that your visitors provide you with clean laundry.
Spiritual and religious services
About 200 m from the Centre, there is a Roman Catholic Church of St. Martin. It can be reached by a narrow road leading past the Centre and below the castle hill. It is open every day and it offers a quiet place for prayer and meditation.
Comments, suggestions and complaints
We hope that your visit of our Centre will be pleasant. Our staff will do everything in their power to ensure this. It may happen that our services will not be the way you expected them to be. In such case, we need to know this, because it is the only way to improve our Centre. Please, enter any comments or suggestions to improve the level of any health services into the Book of complaints and suggestions, which is located at the front desk and in every room, or do so on this site.
Respectful behaviour
You have the right to expect that our staff will always treat you and your visitors with kindness and respect. And vice versa – our staff has the right to carry out their work without fear of verbal, physical and racial harassment or abuse. At any incident of unacceptable behaviour, we will take appropriate action.
Departure from the Centre
Here are some tips about what to do when you leave our Centre. After your examination and testing are completed, a doctor will discuss the outcome with you and you will also receive a discharge letter. The findings of the examination will be forwarded to your personal physician.
When you are done with the examinations, please leave the room and wait for your discharge papers in the reception on the ground floor (if the papers haven not been delivered to you yet).
On the day you are discharged, you can usually expect to go home early in the afternoon. However, when on the day of departure your examinations are scheduled at a later time, the time of your discharge from the Centre will be moved to the late afternoon hours. In case of compliance with medical criteria and the criteria of distance, as well as at the request of your physician, we can provide you with an organized transport by ambulance.
Notice to the personal physician
The doctor at the Centre who conducted the examination will write to your personal (general) physician and explain the findings about your medical condition based on the examination results (diagnosis). If you prefer that your personal physician is not informed about your diagnosis, please contact the head nurse, or the nurse who is in charge of your care.
Before leaving
- at the reception you receive your discharge letter (letter of discharge), which will be also sent by mail to your personal physician,
- ask for the money, in case you have handed it in care,
- settle the fee for a higher standard of accommodation 10 EUR per day (for all patients).
In the event that our doctor believes that you need treatment, the doctor will also give you further instructions on taking medications. The medical record with the results, which you will give to your personal physician, will provide information about your treatment in the Centre and recommendations for future medical care.