Osteoporosis is a systemic metabolic disease of the bones, which is characterized by diminished bone strength, and this causes the bones to fracture easily even in minor falls and injuries (falling from standing height). The bone strength depends on the bone density and its micro-architecture. Osteoporosis affects both men and women. The most characteristic symptoms are fractures in wrist, vertebrae and hips. The most common clinical risk factors for fracture are age, early menopause, low body weight, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, celiac disease, hip fracture in the mother or father which occurred after the age of 45, taking corticosteroid medications, and any rheumatologic diseases.
With the development of new technologies and medications, osteoporosis can be successfully diagnosed and treated nowadays. Measurement of bone mineral density is performed with the modern appliance Hologic. Densitometry can confirm or exclude the diagnosis of osteoporosis and enables us to monitor the response to treatment with medications.
The measurements with the appliance are performed by a nurse, and then a doctor performs an analysis of the measured values of the spine and hip, and explains to the patient her actual bone mineral density. According to the new guidelines for the treatment of osteoporosis with medications, it is necessary to take into account the potential risk factors, so all the data is also entered into the computer system FRAX, which calculates the risk of bone fracture.
Since the goal of treatment is to prevent broken bones, we treat those with high risk of fracture, but we recommend a healthy diet, a lot of exercise, and if necessary, vitamin D supplementation to everyone.
The patient must attend the examination on empty stomach and is advised to leave any metal objects at home. The whole process takes 20 to 30 minutes. The examination is performed in Bled.
Basic information about the examination